Well it’s that time again…yup that’s right TIFF is here! Do you think you’re prepared for one of the biggest and most important festivals, markets and opportunities to pitch your film in the world? TIFF is one of the best times to pitch your film to producers and/or distributors and you want to make sure you’re ready.

I have just come back from Gimli, Manitoba where they held their 12th annual film festival. I was invited to attend not only to screen MOON POINT (Sean Cisterna) and a short film I also Executive Produced entitled HIDDEN DRIVEWAY (Sarah Goodman), but also to sit on a panel and moderate another. Both panels were lively, informative and presented to full houses.

Many emotional conversations took place in Gimli over the last four days that continue to give me affirmation of my passion for what I do for a living, and why I do it. Especially when for the most part I earn no money, and live in a basement apartment at the tender age of 49. Most people don’t believe or understand why I would work as hard as I do when most years my income is below the poverty line.